Sunday, September 24, 2006

9/24: How do we Remove a Curse?

It sure feels like we're cursed... Leo's thrush isn't better today, which means he's still not drinking or eating very well, which means he's off of antineoplastons. This is, far and away, the most depressing and worrisome aspect right now. When he's on antineoplastons, he seems to have a load lifted (I think it's the load brought-on by decadron). Without antineoplastons, he can't even open his jaw.

Leiann and our home health nurse Candice recommended something we never heard of before, gentian violet, for thrush. Most of the local drug stores claim they can order it, but none has it in stock. In the mean time, we're continuing to give Leo diflucan and nystatin and praying he gets through this quickly. We've also switched to everything disposable for him. Cups, spoons, droppers, etc. because the thrush was on its way to being gone, but came back, which may mean reinfection.

On the other hand, there are 2 bits of good news. First, Leo's wound seems to be healing according to Candice. It's shallower, the tunneling is smaller, and the diameter is smaller as well. Second, we've continued to decrease Leo's decadron without any new symptoms or side-effects. He's down to 9mg per day and maybe these crazy infections and other steroid side-effects will go away soon.

The second part of this curse, our flooded basement, is mostly resolved. Thanks to our friends Danny and Amy, my brother Boris, and our neighbor Mike, who brought dehumidifiers, fans, and Shop Vacs and removed wet rolls of carpet, padding, boxes, and other wet stuff that needed to be thrown out. Not sure what the garbage men will think tomorrow -- there's a mountain of trash -- but bribery usually works. In the mean time, we found out that the pilot light went out on the water heater, and by the evening we had used-up all the hot water. Luckily I was able to reignite it without blowing-up the house.

So the MRI is Tuesday and we're terribly anxious about it because Leo's treatment has been interrupted so much. Even the treatment he's been on since the surgery almost 2 weeks ago has been less than the maximum dose. We're still expecting something good, since this has been the only treatment period with issues. In preparation, we really need someone to lift this curse. That's the only way we can even image what may be going on. Curse, bad luck, call it whatever you want, but we've had enough, and Leo has had enough, and Anna and Nina have also had enough (they've got little colds again).


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