Friday, October 20, 2006

10/20: No Changes

Leo's general condition hasn't changed much, although he was in a lot of pain and/or discomfort last night, so another sleepless night for everyone. Today Dr. Goldman, the oncologist from Children's Memorial Hospital, called. The bottom line, he said, is that even though he can't offer much in the way of a treatment that's known to work, we should restart antineoplastons as soon as possible. Since Leo has the NG tube, giving him addition liquid/water shouldn't be an issue. In fact, it may help his constipation. And if that doesn't work, we can always increase the IV fluids he's been getting (yes, even after coming home).

So after I came home tonight I took out the binder from the Burzynski Clinic and turned to the first page of Leo's treatment, July 19. We'll probably skip the 5mL dose and just go straight to the 15mL of antineoplaston A10. I think the AS2-1 started at 2.5mL. Neither of those doses will make him overly thirsty and I just remembered that the AS2-1 helped him sleep. Tomorrow we'll prepare the IV bags and pump and get going. Time to get back on the road to recovery.


Blogger Unknown said...

My Mum who was experiencing weight gain, hair loss and acne, bouts of chest and abdominal pain and several months of unrelenting headaches that no medicine could relieve, In fact, it got worse. saw various doctors they decided that the lab levels indicated nothing much at all, until we met a Doc. who did CT scan, and she was diagnosed with adrenocortical carcinoma. So after one year, A surgeon advice was to remove her tumor, along with her left kidney. she needed to see someone with extensive experience in treating adrenal gland tumors for the next phase of her treatment. Knowing she needed to get an answer once and for all, we looked up on the internet and saw someone who testified about Aryan herbal medicine which she took and she had no more symptoms since then. You can also contact him if interested at

4:37 AM  

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