Friday, October 06, 2006

10/6: Still in the Hospital

Leo's still in the hospital, but now it seems for technical/bureaucratic reasons. He's still sleeping a lot, but is wide awake in the mornings. He's a little out of it but as usual, we know it's because of the decadron. Speaking of my favorite topic, today's dose was lowered again to 6mg -- that's 50% of where we were just a few weeks ago. Still a long way to go, but at least we're moving in the right direction.

First, my insurance wouldn't cover another home health company that was supposed to provide a pump and formula for the NG tube and therapy for Leo at home. So I guess the discharge people here were frantically trying to call around to find a company that would be covered; otherwise we couldn't get a pump to feed him. Obviously we'd pay for it ourselves, but no one even presented us with this option until it was too late in the day when OptionCare, the company we have now, was contacted. My insurance agreed to pay for them.

Second, we're in a bit of a catch-22. Leo can't be discharged from the hospital until we have a pump, formula, and all the other supplies at home. Then we found out that no home health company will bring the stuff until Leo is discharged. But we can't get discharged until... Anyway, OptionCare finally said that as long as we have a discharge order, they'll send a driver with the goods. But this was also too late in the day.

Finally, some clarification about all the canceled lab work. I expressed my frustration to the resident last night at 11:30pm. For example, she said she'd stop by around 7:30pm and never did. She said they were very busy. Anyway, the skin culture was for naught. The scrape they took had nothing to grow, so it was discontinued/canceled. Combined with the fact that the diflucan is working, the infectious disease doctors thought this would be a waste of time, since the oral culture came back positive for candida (i.e. thrush). We knew this without all the doctors' schooling. Moving on to the canceled blood test, that was a duplicate, so it was canceled. Leo did have a blood test today. Did they do a liver function test because of the diflucan? No. Why not? Because there's another blood test tomorrow! Will they be checking live function then? Again, No. Why not? No one ordered it. So I made the nurse tell the resident to order this.

Our hospital visits -- and not just this one -- reminded me of the famous line from the movie Space Balls, a Mel Brooks spoof of Star Wars, when Dark Helmet says, "I knew it! I'm surrounded by *ssholes!" And if this isn't enough, you must read Chase Sammut's blog. Absurd doesn't even come close to describing their latest ordeal!


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