Tuesday, October 10, 2006

10/10: PICU Day 2

Because of Leo's constipation, they started giving him enemas and something called "Go Lightly" (polyethylene glycol) last night. Marina stayed here all night and said cleaning-up the poop sometimes took 2 people. Sorry for the graphic details, but that's my boy! :) Seriously, he has definitely started to be cleaned-out, but they told us up-front that this may take a couple of days. With this cleaning, Leo's vitals (blood pressure, respiration, and oxygen saturation) have stabilized and are just about normal. They may not be perfect, but they're good enough. So maybe this can be considered "not bad" news.

Another bit of "not bad" news is that his electrolytes have generally come into the normal range, more or less. Again, some may not be perfect, but they, too, are good enough.

The remaining bits of bad news include hemoglobin and his nonresponsiveness. Leo had a transfusion yesterday, which improved hemoglobin to over 10. This morning, though, it had dropped to about 8.3 or so and continued to drop to about 7 by 6pm. So another transfusion has been started. The problem is, they have no idea where, how, or why he's losing blood. Obviously this is extremely disturbing to everyone following Leo, and of course us. The other bit of bad news, his mental state, hasn't really improved. His eyes react to light and he generally reacts to pain. I'm sure he can hear us because his eyes sometimes open wide. With these 2 bad things and lots of complaining and bitching, the care conference is being held tomorrow at noon, as far as I know.

I hope to sound just a tiny bit less enraged tonight. I'm still angry at everyone who let him get to this point -- including us. Maybe we should have actually yelled, and done it sooner, but that doesn't matter now. All that matters is that the Intensive Care doctors and nurses continue to be amazing. It's like traveling first class and staying at the Ritz -- unfortunately the destination was hell. Anyway, G-d willing Leo will continue to improve and we can upgrade to limbo soon.


Blogger Unknown said...

My Mum who was experiencing weight gain, hair loss and acne, bouts of chest and abdominal pain and several months of unrelenting headaches that no medicine could relieve, In fact, it got worse. saw various doctors they decided that the lab levels indicated nothing much at all, until we met a Doc. who did CT scan, and she was diagnosed with adrenocortical carcinoma. So after one year, A surgeon advice was to remove her tumor, along with her left kidney. she needed to see someone with extensive experience in treating adrenal gland tumors for the next phase of her treatment. Knowing she needed to get an answer once and for all, we looked up on the internet and saw someone who testified about Aryan herbal medicine which she took and she had no more symptoms since then. You can also contact him if interested at

4:40 AM  

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